Booking Request
Before you make a booking request, please read my website carefully. Inquiries can also be made by phone or WhatsApp.
I do not respond to social media inquiries.
Please introduce yourself and tell me what you would like to experience in the session and what your fantasies and preferences are.
Please note all of the following points when making your request.
1. Who am I?
2. Where would I like to meet? Which studio/city?
3. What do I want to experience? Which Fantasies and preferences do I hav
4. When do I have time?
5. How long should the playing time be?

Rules for the appointment
please follow the rules so that we BOTH know that the appointment is fix
1. Deposit
Pay a deposit so that the time slot is reserved for you. There are different ways to pay the deposit. The deposit is €100 per booked hour
2. Confirmation
- 1 day before
Often there are a few days/weeks before that booked appointment, so confirm the appointment on the 24th Hours beforeso I know you did not forget the appointment.
3. Confirmation
- until 12 Uhr
ALWAYS reconfirm the appointment by 12 p.m. on the same day.
Please stick to these 3 points so that we can both have a nice session.
Booking Request